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Let him anchor you.

Do you ever just have a day where you want your heart and your mind to calm. Where you read the words on your coffee cup or on a wall hanging across the room that day- Be Still- but you just can't seem to do it. I don't have time my spirit says. 

Today. Today is one of those days that I woke up with only a few tasks on the to do list. Finish painting this stupendous project I started last night, paint a newborn basket yellow, put away laundry, sweep and be a momma to Miss M.

As the morning seemed to fly by I had every intention of getting the start on my day with my bible opened. I would read while little ate her breakfast and then I'd move on to painting the project from last night while Miss M played. Then when she was getting closer to nap I planned to be a good momma and sit down and play and read to her, because after all, 'these days are fleeting' I hear in my spirit. 

As the moments happened they were nothing like I'd planned. As soon as I had breakfast ready the cup spilled and Little miss dropped her plate off her high chair spilling eggs and scattering strawberries all over the kitchen floor. I quickly shut my bible after skimming over a couple verses that I'm ashamed I can barely remember. Then I started the project that I thought I'd finish while M began to play but she wanted held so begrudgingly I picked her up and tried to paint with her on my hip. My mind was screaming at me to finish what I'd started, don't sit and hold your baby, you can do that later... 

My mind was racing with, do I have meat thawed out? How can I get more page likes?What can I fix Tyler for lunch? What should I have for him for supper? I need to fix something for bible study tonight. I probably should shower. When do I have time to shower? It'll be fine. I have to Read that clients message. I should really go out to the freezer and thaw something out. I hope Tyler is having a good day at work. Someone liked your photo. I hope no one stops by because this place is a wreck. The dishwasher needs soap. I should text Tyler and say I love you. Shoot, I forgot to switch the laundry last night. What can I fix for bible study? Someone commented on your video. Start the dishwasher Valyssa. Tyler's lunch? I need to read my bible today. Millie, no no baby girl. Restart the laundry Valyssa. Clean up the high chair. I should text and make sure Verlena has everything she needs for tonight. Start the dishwasher! Someone commented on your profile picture. Does anyone need a ride tonight? I hope this is a good study. Read client message. 

So M fell asleep while I was trying to paint on my hip. I didn't read my bible this morning. I didn't finish the project because it will never dry and the laundry just dinged. 

I've done this to myself. I had no grounding when I woke up. I had all these plans of how the day would go but I didn't go to the one who holds my day and ask Him to guide me. I expect daily to do this all on my own but my mind, my heart, my spirit tells me I can't. I'm a mess. I'm lost. I'm scatterbrained and I'm in need of a Savior to say, Valyssa. Shh. Be still for just a few minutes and talk with me about today. Talk with me about your fears for today. Tell me your stressors. I may not take them away but I will be an anchor to hold onto when the wind is stirring everything you need to grasp. 

Isyour mind uneasy. Are you stressed? Don't say no- He knows you are. Are you worried? He knows you are. Are you heavy ladened? He knows you have been. He knows your heart. He knows your passion and your drive for each day and he wants to be in control so you can be anchored to him. Sometimes being calm is the hardest battle of all. To read the words - be still- and to do it takes more work than we realize. We must however, follow his instructions to come to him all who are weary and burdened and he will give us rest. (Matthew 11:28)

Be Still. Actually do it. Right now. Sit, pray, open your bible & be still. He wants to be an anchor to your ever changing thoughts. 

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